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How Doopic processes 20,000 images a day: AI, human precision and seamless customer communication

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October 14, 2024


1. Introduction

Doopic specializes in processing and enhancing product images to a high standard, quickly and intelligently. With an innovative, system-based platform approach, the integration of powerful AI solutions, and experienced support, we process an average of 20,000 images daily, exceeding the industry's standard quality.The key to this is combining a high level of standardization with a customer-centric focus and a strong software foundation.

2. Using AI for Efficiency

In mass image processing, the challenge is to produce high-quality work quickly and affordably, while still addressing the need for customization and adapting to unique workflow requirements. Automating as many steps as possible in the image editing process and integrating advanced AI solutions is crucial. This not only reduces turnaround times for our clients but also improves consistency, reduces errors, and ensures high scalability.In addition to general tasks like automated background removal or generative fill, which immediately demonstrate their value, AI solutions must be developed or tailored to meet specific client requirements. Especially in the field of generative AI, it's common to go through longer testing and ramp-up phases to ensure the best outcomes. Many AI models, as they exist today, are not perfect and require a complex correction process to address new types of errors and prevent them from recurring.The effort is worthwhile. While the initial investment in setting up AI solutions may seem high, it ultimately leads to better results, shorter turnaround times, and cost savings in the production process. AI-generated models and other innovative approaches are reshaping efficiency in image production, resulting in a win-win-win scenario.

Source: Doopic

3. The Human Factor: Expertise Meets AI

When it comes to correction processes and managing and evaluating workflows, the expertise of our Quality Assurance (QA) team is invaluable. At Doopic, our QA team is responsible for determining which solutions work best for different materials and needs, leveraging their knowledge of our processes, AI and automation tools, and our clients' high visual standards.Even though many editing tasks have been highly standardized to allow automation through scripts and AI without needing back-and-forth with graphic designers, there are still areas that require a human touch. Experience is crucial when identifying and resolving both old and new (AI-related) errors, which are processed in a continuous learning loop.Customer care and close communication with the production team are also critical to quickly adapting to changes in requirements, processes, or reporting needs. Many companies cut corners here to maximize short-term profits, but this often leads to issues like delayed processing, extra work due to re-edits, and overall dissatisfaction. At Doopic, we avoid these pitfalls by maintaining strong communication and an experienced team that can manage and develop (AI) automations effectively.

4. Seamless Client Communication

Through surveys and interviews, we've identified a component that's key to our clients' long-term satisfaction and allows us to deliver results without additional effort beyond the standard process: seamless, friction-free, and direct communication at every level.In our experience, client communication should not be blocked, slowed down, or restricted but encouraged and structured to prevent friction and time loss.Here's how we achieve this:- Guided onboarding with test orders  - Customer Success Management with regular meetings  - A dedicated Slack channel with the production team  - A comprehensive control and feedback tool  - The option for clients to submit specific instructions or comments that deviate from the guidelinesWithout diving into each point in detail, the combination of quick understanding and execution is key to scalable production. Experience has shown that communication needs tend to decrease over time. Well-set-up and well-feedbacked projects don’t require additional correction rounds, intense meetings, or re-briefings—they only need an open ear for natural development.

5. The Role of Standardization

As mentioned earlier, the degree of standardization in projects is a good indicator of scalability. To handle over 30 teams of graphic designers within Doopic and ensure consistent results across the board, editing guidelines must be segmented and standardized to leave as little room for interpretation as possible.A drop shadow, for instance, can be a clear directive, but without additional specifications regarding the source material, adjustment rules, angles, colors, gradients, etc., you’ll end up with varied outcomes. This applies to any directive, from alignment to retouching.It's also important that this array of editing guidelines, scripts, and AI solutions isn't hidden in manuals but readily available to the people who need them—on the screen of those doing the editing.When guidelines change, a script is updated, or an AI component is integrated into the workflow, there’s no delay in implementation. Everything is centrally deployed and immediately available in production.

Source: Doopic

6. Conclusion

In summary, it's the complex interplay of human expertise, powerful software processes, and client-focused communication that allows us to process large volumes of product images efficiently and affordably while maintaining a high standard of quality.If you want to learn more about Doopic and how we can support your product image processes, feel free to schedule a non-binding consultation at any time.

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